Issue 1

Saturday, June 2, 2007


The year has ended and you survived another one!

If you are like me the wrap up brings mixed emotions.

I'm glad it's over, I'm tired.

Those kids are getting worse every year.

Maybe I am too old for this.

There are a lot of reasons to be joyful when the year wraps! But, you know what? I miss it over the summer.

Every year presents us with some different kids, every year you lose some that you had before. Every year is unique and presents some once in a lifetime opportunities.

I'm fortunate, I'm old. Well, not too old, but 48 years old is not young. I've been involved as a leader for nearly 30 years, 2047 meetings, 313 overnights, many weeks at camp, thousands of talks over a slice of pizza and getting to know many boys and teens.

continued below

Ideas for the Summer!
  • Make a push for your boys to attend Summer Camp. (attend camp as a leader, it's a great vacation).
  • Debrief this past year and start planning for next year.
  • Send "Post Cards" to the boys in your group.
  • Plan a "Reunion" for a special night of activities.
  • Begin recruiting boys and leaders for 07/08.
  • Pass the word on Brigade to another church.
  • Pray for those who were involved this past year and for effective ministering to those attending next year.
  • Spend your usual meeting night doing something fun with your family or attend a church activity you can't usually be a part of.

Many local CSB Units have or will shortly wrap up for the year. Before you know it the time will be here to begin the new year!

If you have come across any great ideas, activities or just want to share what your group is up to, drop into the forum.

Congratulations continued

I look at their photos hanging on the wall in our meeting area and I remember just about all of them. Some were a joy to have and others were a royal pain. Some were pleasant and others not so much. Some had no clue who Christ was and became Pastors and others came from Christians homes and have walked a worldly path. Some have grown into Godly men raising a Christ centered family and some have ended up in prison. Sorrily, some are no longer a part of this world.

Any of these sound like your boys and the future you envision for them?

God brings these kids to us for a reasons that we may never know about. We simply need to be faithful and build the best "Ministry" that we can.

Rest up over the Summer and be ready to jump into things when your group resumes in August and September.

The work we do while fun, hectic, tiring, and time consuming has ramifications beyond what we see.

It's worth the effort.

Need information on Brigade?

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